Answering D (esp. DI questions) in the e-EQE platform

I am using a laptop with its camera positioned just below my external 23" monitor. The laptop screen is disabled. I use an external USB keyboard and USB mouse, plugged into the USB-hub that my monitor provides and that is connected to my dockingstation. I use a wired UTP connection from my docking station to my ADSL modem. This is my normal workplace for home working, except that my laptop screen is enabled during normal operation.

When I log on to the Wiseflow System from Chrome, Wiseflow opens as a separate application and forces me to close two instances of Chrome as well as, if I have that still running, Teams and Outlook.

After having selected the DI, part 2 flow, I open the paper in a separate Tab in the WISEflow e-EQE platform so that I can copy from the question into my answer.

I start the answering by first copying the question in full from the pdf into the editor so that I will be able to work from a single window/Tab and also being able to annotate the question.

Unfortunately, the copying looses the formatting of the question, so that I need to reformat the question. While reformatting, I also annotate the question by highlighting using boldface and highlight with yellow background.

I keep the question in fontsize 10 pt, but I could also resize it with the fontsize pulldown to, e.g., 12 pt.

I then answer in bulletlist-style, as I do when ansering on paper. This automatically changes the fontsize to 11 and put the lines a but further apart than the original line spacing. 

The bulletlist format also allows to have a further indent, e.g., to have open sub-bullets for testing each requirements of a long legal provision.

I organize my bullets in groups (paragraphs), with a blank line in between, to reflect the various main ingredients of my argumentation. You may wish to add a short heading to each group (paragraph).

With the bulletlist-style, I can present my answer in clear and concise way. It also allows me to easily check whether I missed reasoning steps or legal basis. I use bulletlist-style for answering DI as well as DII.

A major advantage of using an editor rather than handwriting is than you can easy insert steps in your reasoning - you can easily insert a bullet or even a complete group (paragraph).

Note: if you want a larger line spacing, you can select Heading 4 from the Paragraph pulldown and then set the font size to a convenient size.

(Question used is from the second part of Mock 1 - it corresponds to Q.2 of DI 2016. My answer is updated to reflect the current version of the EPO-WIPO Agreement)

Good luck with practicing! And best wishes for 2021!


  1. Thanks Roel. For DI, I can see this working well. My biggest problem and concern is still with DII. There is not enough time and surely it is a very inefficient process to copy and paste text from the question into your text editor for formatting purposes. I think this is where I will struggle with this paper without a printed version.

    1. I did the Paper D on wiseflow this weekend, I found that pasting the question in for DII worked quite well, despite having the wrestle with the formatting a bit (it only took 2 mins or so to sort out though).

      I reduced the text size to 8 and it worked quite well for me as I could see pretty much the whole DII question on one sheet, which you can't do with the conventional paper format, and then could highlight in various colours quite nicely. YMMV

    2. I read somewhere that Ctrl-C - Ctrl-Shift-V (rather than Strl-C - Ctrl-V) solves part of the copy-paste issues.


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