Correction paper program for paper D EQE2014 extended

The regular hand-in deadlines for our paper D correction paper program have all expired, but we are glad to announce that we accept further correction papers until about Feb 15.

Five exams are available for paper D: the D2009-D2012 papers, all adapted by us to match the current 5-hour single-paper D format, and the D2013. Upon registration for one or more correction papers, we provide our version of the respecvtive paper(s). We correct and give individual feedback to your answer. We also provide our own detailed marking sheets and model solutions to help identify areas of weakness, and to give an idea of -and improve- EQE readiness.

In view of the short time left until "Paper D-Day", we aim to provide our marking and feedback within 3 working days after receiving your answer paper.

Details are given via our webpage IP Courses --> Correction Papers and registration can be done via our Webshop --> Correction Papers D.

Good luck at the EQE!
