D 2022 - The DII part: FEED, CLEAN, SPRAY


This year's D2 was a paper of 3 h 20 min (13:25 - 16:45 CET) and 55 marks. The paper had to be taken fully from the screen in Wiseflow - nothing was printable. The pdf of the paper could be viewed side-by-side with the editor, without annotation possibility; or in one or more separate tabs, with annotation possibility (note here). For the first time, no calendars were given with the exam paper, but candidates had to bring their own lists of Saturdays and Sundays and had to check EPO closure dates in the OJ (see here). 

As usually, the paper required a careful analysis of a plurality of EP and PCT patent applications from the client (OTP) and another party (TOR). The various applications described and/or claimed one or more of:

a) a FEED machine with a feeding duct, 
b) a FEED machine with two feeding ducts, 
c) a CLEAN method, 
d) a SPRAY device, and 
e) a FEED machine with a SPRAY device.

D 2022 - The DI part


Today's D1 addressed a variety of topics, distributed over 2 parts with a 30 minute break in between:

  • D1-1 had 3 questions, for a total of 26 marks, and had to be done from 9:30-11:00. 
  • D1-2 also had 3 questions, for a total of 19 marks, and had to be done from 11:30-12:40.
The paper had to be taken fully from the screen in Wiseflow - nothing was printable. The pdf of the paper could be viewed side-by-side with the editor, without annotation possibility; or in one or more separate tabs, with annotation possibility (note here) - when I did the paper as a benchmarker today, I copied the D1 questions in the editor to have them in the same field-of-view as my answer and to be able to annotated them while staying in the same window (see here). 
For the first time, no calendars were given with the exam paper, but candidates had to bring their own lists of Saturdays and Sundays and had to check EPO closure dates in the OJ (see here). 

Paper D Online EQE 2022: first impressions?

To all who sat the D-paper today:

What are your first impressions to this year's D-paper? Any general or specific comments?

How did this year's D-paper compare to the earlier D papers of 2013 - 2021?
Were the D1 questions and the D2 part similar as to its subjects and difficulty as the last few years (apart from the ratio this year being 45:55 rather than 2021's 50:50 or the earlier 40:60)?
Was the additional 20% of time for doing each D1 part and the D2 part sufficient to compensate for the restrictions caused by the fixed time schedule of 3 parts? 

Were the topics well balanced in the D1-part? Was the balance between EPC and PCT right for you? Any substantive topics in D1 (e.g., was partial priority tested; were disclaimer tested)?
Which of the the D1 Questions did you consider particularly difficult, and which relatively 'easy'?
Did you skip any D1-questions? If so, why (e.g., too difficult, allocating the time for another question, no time left)?

Were the legal issues in the D2-part well doable? Amount of information? Complexicity of the inventions/subject-matter? Patentability? Difficult priority analysis? Non-standard claim formats? Business situation and relevance clear? Exploitation? 

Did you experience any technical difficulties during the exam? How & how fast were they solved? Did you sue the widget to contact the invigilator?

How did the split of the paper into 3 parts influence your preparation? How did it effect your exam? How did you use the breaks? Could you forget about the finished part and free your mind for the next part in each break? Were the breaks long enough? Did you also take any unscheduled breaks?

Paper D 2022 blog will open after the end of the exam, 8 March 2022 16:45

Good luck with paper D!

Our EQE blogs will be open for your comments and opinions w.r.t. the Pre-ExamABand shortly after the exams. We will post our (provisional) answers to the various papers shortly after the exam. To facilitate the discussions, we will also post copies of the papers as soon as possible after we received reasonably clean copies.

Do not post any comments as to the merits of the answers of a certain exam paper/flow on the blogs while an exam/flow is still ongoing. Also, do not post the invigilator password or anything else that may be considered the breach of the exam regulations, instructions to the candidates, code of conducts, etc (see, e.g.,  e-EQE website and the emails from the EQE secretariat).

All candidates, as well as tutors who helped candidates prepare for EQE 2022, are invited to contribute to the discussions on our EQE blogs! You can post your comments in English, French or German. You are invited to post your comments under your real name, but it is also possible to use a nickname if you wish to hide your identify.

The DeltaPatents team

NB: you can not comment to this blog post; comments will be accepted from a new blog post as of 16:45